Kate Holford
Publication; website, 2020

A poetical exploration of the effects of the digital/non-digital divide on experience of place, intimacy, and togetherness, following a journey of lithium extraction and character A.’s escape from isolation.

Slippage between reality and projection, explored through the analogue photograph and digital fragment. Language an attempt to resist inchorerence.

Lithium is both a prescribed mood stabiliser and an increasingly important material for battery power in engines and digital devices.

Publication: 6 hand-bound sections; loose analogue photographs; wrap title jacket.

This object was placed in a public book exchange near the site of the UK’s first pilot lithium extraction plant, United Downs, Cornwall. This is the only edition in circulation.
Website: A journey lead through digital fragments - hyperlinks, dead ends, disembodied sounds, and immersive imagery disorientate and dictate a way through.

dear-lithium.exposed >>
Dear Lithium,